This month was full of inspiration, had lots of surprises and gave the signs what to let go and what to invite for the future. 

Sigrun Live

One highlight of this month was Sigrun Live from 18th till 20th of October 2019. Sigrun is one of my business coaches: she helps female entrepreneurs to find their passions and build up a long term successful business with her program SOMBA. So there it was the yearly live event where I could meet all these wonderful inspiring women who have businesses in different kind of fields: coaches, healers, artists, therapists, architects, and so on… We are all in different business industries but you can feel we have one major vision: to change the world – every woman on her own way!

Normally we meet regularly online, help us with a wide range of questions about business and mindset issues – we celebrate and cheer us up when something doesn’t work. But meeting all these wonderful women live has a totally different energy and ties us even more together. 

Sigrun is explaining us how to make good priorities for our businesses

On Friday we started with about 60 women and a few men (yes they are all welcome) who are in Sigrun’s Mastermind groups. We have masterminded, networked and have exchanged ideas, fears and doubts. Showing up and being vulnerable can still be very fearful. As Sigrun asked us to introduce ourselves with one sentence I didn’t know where to begin… I am an animal health practitioner, a tcm therapist for animals, a telepathic communicator and a healer. I have saved so many lives even though everyone else had given up. Still I was standing there with the microphone in my hand and was afraid to speak out that I can communicate with every being on this earth and that I can heal. I took a leap of faith and so I just did it!

During the networking break the first women came to me to talk about my business. To my surprise they were really interested and wanted to know more how it works and if I could ask their power animals for advice. Yes of course, I told them. We can ask our own animals or our power animals for advice, ask them for solutions and for support on our own path. I will meet some of these wonderful women in the coming weeks to talk with their power animals.

My learning: never ever assume what your clients are thinking. Just show up even though some people might laugh at you and let the people decide if they want to go on on the same path with you or not.

this is how masterminding looks like: everyone has 8 minutes

On Saturday all SOMBA members were invited: so we were more than 200 women and men in the hall. We had a great masterminding, Sigrun asked us really challenging questions like: What is your 10k offer? and I met a lot of wonderful inspiring women. Well the 10k offer? As we only had 5 minutes I asked my horse and will publish his answer before the end of the year – stay tuned 🙂 I am already really excited about his offer and about the progress we will achieve for both humans and/or animals. I can only say this: he decides whom he wants to coach and when he does it, the outcome always comes true. So I was really surprised that he opens up and will support us all.

These are the beautiful women who were masterminding with me about my new baby: Jana Scharfenberg, Andrina Tisi and Anna Nguyen

The Queen’s Return

On 27th October I joined a lecture of Veit Lindau – a German author, speaker and coach. The name of his lecture was “The Queen’s Return”. If you understand german then you have to read the book “Die Königin und der Samurai”. A queen leads sovereignly in love instead of manipulating out of need. When the man discovers his unique mission and follows it with integrity like a samurai, he develops a new, authentic self-confidence that enables him to co-create more consciously than dominate. By both finding a new self-conception, they meet – like queen and samurai – at eye level. Instead of using each other, they recognize each other and begin to serve each other in their evolution.

To understand these words you have to feel and live it. It was such an inspiring lecture and  my heart felt touched and seen. His vision as he explained it is: “that every young girl can wear whatever she wants and live the female energy  and every man in the streets will protect and honour her like a Samurai”. 

I am looking forward to this one day but we all have to take the first step. So I am asking you: dear woman, are you ready to feel and allow your anger, to live beauty in every aspect of live and to live wildy your sexual energy?

Samhain – the Celtic feast

As you all know on 31th October there is a tradition called “Halloween” and on the 1st of November the All Saints’ Day is taking place in Christian tradition. Well the tradition is much older than 2000 years old and comes from indigenous tribes who live very close to the nature like once the celtic tribes. When you look around the aspect of dying is everywhere: many herbs die in the cold season, the birds fly away, many animals search for a place to sleep during winter, the leaves fall down the trees,… It is time to let go, to let die whatever is not needed anymore. You can Mariekondo your house, make a detox diet, look at your shadows and let them go and make space for the new. 

As I am a person who lives connected to the nature the older tradition suits me more. So for me it is time to let go. I am looking to my business and taking decisions what to offer next year and what not, I am decluttering a lot and will also make a detox month for my health. Traditionally the day of Samhain is on the new moons day end of October which was on 28th. to go consioclly through this period I celebrated this day with my beautiful friend and shaman Katrin Berger. 

We met us at her place which is a powerful old celtic house and started our celebration with the fire. We used the element fire to awaken our inner fire and to transform everything what we needed to. Inside the house a delicious pumpkin soup with pumpkin seeds and pumpkin oil was awaiting us. Eating seasonal meal is also a part of living with the nature. After a ceremony with white sage which has a purifying and clarifying quality we began our session with questions to the ancestral world. It’s said that during these times the connection to the other world is easier, lighter. In former times the wisdom of our ancestors were distributed through stories in communities. We still have communities in form of job, sport, music, and so on based on our hobbies nevertheless we lack of communities which approach the topic “what is life about?”. So we used this session to connect to our ancestors wisdom und and also to start planning what we want in the new year and what not. 

Our Samhain fire

In former traditions this was the new year’s day as the whole nature was dying in some aspect and human beings were living with the moon calendar. The november was used to plan, let go and produce the seeds so as the days began to get longer again on 21th December the seeds were ready with the “first” light.

Overall it was a very inspiring month with a lot of opportunities to grow, recognize and integrate. I am very grateful for this month with all its positive and negative events. 

Outlook November 2019

In November it is time to implement the learnings, plan 2020 and to look inward as it is the darkest month of the year. 

My mastermind buddies are coming to Berne (this is the first time they will meet me in my hometown and my animals 🙂 ) and we will mastermind at the stable’s house as I will be living there for two weeks.

I will be teaching future horse therapists about metabolic diseases which is becoming more and more an important topic for our horses. I am really looking forward to it. 


I will keep you posted.